Your Daily Horoscope: October 30, 2024
Horoscope if today is your birthday
Mercury's opposition to transiting Uranus on your birthday means you definitely won't fall for the latest fads or fashions. What worked well for you in the past may work well in the future. If others want to stick their neck out, that's up to them.
Aries (March 21 – April 20):
If you need extra money in your pocket, you need to come up with ways to earn more stuff. Failing that, you can do a big cleanup of the properties you no longer need. Sell everything online.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21):
Resist the temptation to make a big deal of something that is really of little importance. What a friend or co-worker said or did might be annoying, but it didn't hurt you in any material way, so be a grown-up about it and let it go.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21):
If someone criticizes you in the next 24 hours, it's probably because they're jealous of your success. The best way to deal with them is to ignore what they say and continue doing what made them so jealous of you in the first place.
Cancer (June 22 – July 23):
This can and should be a wonderful time for you, especially creatively and romantically, and if you find a way to combine these two things, it can be the best time ever. The universe loves you because you are a doer.
LEO (July 24 – August 23):
If you want to tell someone plain and simple why they're getting on your nerves, just say it and be done with it. You are under no obligation to suffer fools, especially those who think they know better than you.
Virgo (August 24 – September 23):
You're so full of energy right now that you might be tempted to do a dozen things at once—and do several of them poorly. Stop your commitments and do two or three things surprisingly.
Libra (September 24 – October 23):
A lot may happen for you at the moment but you cannot take anything for granted, especially on the work front where rivals may conspire to take you down a peg or two. Don't make it easy for them by being too lazy.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22):
If you focus all your energy in one direction between now and the end of the week, you can achieve something remarkable. Don't rely too much on other people though. Some of your colleagues talk about playing better than they play.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21):
You may look calm on the outside but inside you have doubts about some decisions you have made recently. Don't be so negative. They may not all be great decisions, but at least you made something, more than most people.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20):
There is some give and take when dealing with people whose ideas about how to proceed on a personal level and at work are radically at odds with your own. Sharpen your negotiation skills because you will need them.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19):
You've never been one to compromise on a point of principle, and you're not going to start now, no matter how much pressure you endure from above. Don't worry about making enemies – you still have plenty of friends in high places.
Pisces (February 20 – March 20):
There is no point in seeking traditional answers to problems that are so new that they may not yet have a name. Even when you come up with a solution don't try to set it in stone – always be extremely flexible.
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