Your Daily Horoscope: October 12, 2024
Horoscope if today is your birthday
Pluto's influence on your birthday will encourage you to be more dynamic in your dealings with the world. This will encourage you to help loved ones find solutions to problems they have been struggling with for a long time. Be creative in your thinking.
Aries (March 21 – April 20):
A lot will happen this weekend and it can be hard to get your head around it. But don't you worry about that. The restlessness you're feeling now will make life easier in the next few months, so embrace them.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21):
Let anyone who tries to undermine your authority know that you are wise to their mischief and will not tolerate it. If you stay calm and refuse to get excited, there is nothing they can do to harm you.
Gemini (May 22 – June 21):
For a while you've been feeling guilty for something that wasn't your fault and it's time to get over it and move on. With Pluto ending its retrograde phase this weekend, you no longer need to regret what you've done in the past.
Cancer (June 22 – July 23):
What happens this weekend will remind you that everything balances out in the end. You may have forgotten that events beyond your control have made life difficult in recent months but now some serious luck is finally heading your way.
LEO (July 24 – August 23):
If you're not completely on top of your workload, you must make an extra special effort to get back on schedule this weekend. You have to get over that nagging and nagging feeling that there are so many important tasks that still need to be done.
Virgo (August 24 – September 23):
The best way to end a conflict is to accept that there will be no winners or losers no matter how long it lasts. Advise your opponents that now would be a good time to call a truce. They will agree with you.
Missed one of your horoscopes? Here is the forecast for the latest day
Libra (September 24 – October 23):
From today it should be easy to be assertive and take things in a positive direction at home and at work. But don't go to extremes and insist that colleagues and loved ones follow your every demand. Ask and it shall be done.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22):
The most important thing now is that you focus on the good things in life and believe that the bad things don't exist. It may seem silly at first but eventually your thoughts will create a better reality for you and other people.
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21):
The mood you choose to greet the day with will stay with you for the week ahead, so if you wake up feeling grumpy, force yourself to smile and act like the world is a wonderful place, and it will be.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20):
You've felt like you've been going in the opposite direction to everyone else for quite some time but it will soon become clear that you're actually moving towards the same goal. What needs to change to be happy? Nothing!
Aquarius (January 21 – February 19):
You have to overcome the belief that there are shadowy forces working behind the scenes to make life difficult for you. It may be true that not everyone is for you but those who are against you do not have the power to disrupt your plans.
Pisces (February 20 – March 20):
The message from the stars this weekend is that you must check what other people tell you, even if they are people you can trust. The less you take, the safer you are.
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